How to Solve the Aviation Crisis
by Shem Malmquist & Roger Rapoport
The In-Depth book from Malmquist & Rapoport, looks at the aviation industry from top to bottom, how Covid changed the industry, the large bailouts, the 737MAX fiasco, continuing safety hazards and plots a sustainable future for flying.
Reviews for Grounded
“Malmquist is one of very few who can combine the depth of knowledge from academia with the breadth of extensive operational experience. He can integrate the two in communication with fellow pilots as well as researchers in the field of aviation safety and human factors. His unique combination of experience and expertise is now in this book.”
Nicklas Dahlstrom Associate Chair & Associate Professor of Meteorology Human Factors Manager at Emirates Airline & Assistant Professor Lund University School of Aviation
“An awesome job. Really thought provoking and well researched, a page turner. This book has been diligently researched and the authors have given great thought to the prevention of accidents. Their analysis of the completely preventable tragedy of the Boeing Max is sound. It should be required reading for anyone interested in the future of aviation and safety—two inseparable subjects.”
Elaine Parker Vice President Operations Beyond Risk Management
“Grounded is a fine survey of problems in our crowded skies by two experts who really know their stuff. But it’s more than that, as well: a warning note about the age we live in, when we too often trust computers and automation more than we should. That’s a lesson for both aviation and the world beyond.”
Adam Hochschild author of Rebel Cinderella and King Leopold’s Ghost
“Step-by-step this book lays out promising ideas on software and system safety that will bring an end to decades of unfortunate automation surprises. An optimistic look at achievable solutions, this book is also a great read on one of the central concerns of our time.”
Curt Lewis, Editor, Flight Safety Information
Acclaimed aviation journalist Roger Rapoport and experienced 777 Pilot Capt Shem Malmquist team up again to confront the elephant in the room, as the 737 ‘MAX’ is cleared for ungrounding, the pandemic and the massive bailouts, is there a future for aviation and will we ever feel truly safe in their hands. With hundreds of interviews and going right back to the start of the industry, Malmquist and Rapoport plot a course for a sustainable future.
Following on from their highly respected book Angle of Attack The future of Aviation Safety pilot Capt Shem Malmquist and aviation journalist Roger Rapoport take on the fundamentals of the airline industry and give their own unique perspective on what happened with the 737 MAX.
As the 737 MAX is about to be cleared for take off again they investigate:
whether the airline industry can map out a profitable future existence.
how to address the public’s safety concerns following the 737 MAX crashes.
whether and how people will be comfortable flying in a pandemic and post-pandemic world.
what should the relationship be between the FAA, the federal government and the airlines.
how automation needs to be addressed so that there is a safe balance between computers and humans in aviation and beyond.
if the bailout and future bailouts are as essential as the 2009 bank bailouts
how a carbon heavy industry can adapt to a greener future
and whether the zoom-culture of 2020 will permanently decimate the number of business travelers.
For the past three years Boeing 777 Captain Shem Malmquist, a veteran accident investigator and aviation journalist Roger Rapoport have flown worldwide, speaking with hundreds of aviation experts on the industry’s future. In this up-to-the-minute book they offer a hopeful look at how lessons learned can regain the faith of the traveling public in the post-737 MAX, Covid-19 world. Containing investigative reporting from the United States, Europe, and Asia this Curt Lewis Aviation book is essential reading for everyone who flies and those who don’t.
Published March 2021, paperback 304pp (978-1-7345042-3-1) $19.99, order from us here